The Role of MSMEs in Fostering Inclusive and Equitable Economic Growth in the Context of the Clean Energy Transition in MENA

This project aims to contribute new knowledge to foster a clean energy transition that helps generate more and better employment opportunities for women and young people. It will also focus on medium, small and micro enterprises (MSMEs), through surveys to analyse how they adjust to the phase out of energy subsidies and the challenges in transitioning to renewable sources of energy.

The research will further assess existing policy frameworks and impediments to renewable energy adoption and expand the knowledge of sustainable behaviour at the enterprise level. It will also assess factors influencing the adoption of green energy and investments in energy efficiency.

With this new evidence, the research institutions will inform stakeholders and public debates on clean energy, climate change and environmental justice, especially as it impacts the employment of women and youth.



Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia,

Lead Partner

Economic Research Forum (ERF)

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