

The Clean Energy for Development research initiative supports 12 research projects that operate in 27 countries across three thematic bases: clean energy transition, micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and women and youth.

Improving outcomes for women-led clean energy enterprises through applied research

This project seeks to reduce barriers and improve pathways to growth for women-led enterprises in clean energy, with a particular focus on gender-smart capital mobilisation towards locally relevant clean energy solutions. It will do so by launching a catalyst collaborative research fund for partnerships between local researchers and implementers, and by supporting research on the […]

Lead Partner

2x Global

Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE)

Africa, Latin America,

Catalytic climate finance: A global learning hub

The Catalytic Climate Finance Facility (CC Facility) accelerates the implementation of high-impact, ready-to-scale financial structures through a suite of services that include grant funding, technical support, and a market-building learning hub. The CC Facility fills a market gap and reduces market fragmentation to mobilise private capital for climate action in developing economies. It is a […]

Lead Partner

Climate Policy Initiative



Mobilization of renewable energies by women and young entrepreneurs for empowerment sustainable economy in Senegal

This project aims to increase the participation of women and youth in renewable energy value chains (REVCs) to foster the transition to clean energy in Senegal. The transition is slow to materialise despite the growing availability of technological solutions and the downward cost trend. The research will investigate the systemic barriers women and youth face […]

Lead Partner

Desjardins International Development


Innovating Financial Mechanisms for Promoting a Clean Energy Transition and Energy Efficiency in the MENA Region

This project seeks to conduct an energy efficiency market analysis of the commercial and industrial private sectors in these countries. It will enhance understanding of the systemic factors that enhance or constrain women’s and youth’s access to business opportunities in clean energy innovation and entrepreneurship, and document promising best practices. An important focus will be […]

Lead Partner


Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia,

Women’s Empowerment through Renewable Energy (RE) Powered Decentralized Lift Irrigation Systems in Bhutan (WERELIS – Bhutan)

This project seeks to deepen understanding and uncover the potential of utilising renewable energy-powered lift irrigation systems while empowering women entrepreneurs. Its objective is to contribute to Bhutan’s food self-sufficiency and promote women in renewable energy by assessing the scale and scope of this opportunity. Further, it will analyse the technological longevity and contextual appropriateness […]

Lead Partner

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)


Women and Clean Energy in West Africa (WOCEWA)

This project aims to reduce the gender gap in the energy sector in West Africa consistent with the policy for gender mainstreaming in energy access of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The policy seeks to ensure that women and men have equal opportunities to enter and succeed in energy-related fields in the […]

Lead Partner

ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE)

Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, Togo,

Evidence for informing optimization and scaling of youth and women led clean energy enterprises and business models in Kenya, Malawi, Uganda & South Africa

This project seeks to generate evidence to inform piloting and scaling of clean energy best practices (enterprises and business models) that have empowerment and transformational potential for women and youth. Working with investors, implementers and funders of low-carbon energy initiatives, it will enhance our understanding of the systemic factors that enhance or constrain women and […]

Lead Partner

African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS)

Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda,

The Role of MSMEs in Fostering Inclusive and Equitable Economic Growth in the Context of the Clean Energy Transition in MENA

This project aims to contribute new knowledge to foster a clean energy transition that helps generate more and better employment opportunities for women and young people. It will also focus on medium, small and micro enterprises (MSMEs), through surveys to analyse how they adjust to the phase out of energy subsidies and the challenges in […]

Lead Partner

Economic Research Forum (ERF)

Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia,

Decentralised Renewable and Inclusive Energy Systems in Bolivia (GENERIS)

This project will study the incorporation of decentralised and inclusive renewable energy systems as part of the energy transition in Bolivia. This will involve creating green jobs for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) within the framework of the Bolivian Government’s Economic and Social Development Plan. It will engage multidisciplinary stakeholders through testing, training and […]

Lead Partner

Fundación Bariloche


A Just Energy Transition: Localisation, Decent Work, SMMEs and Sustainable Livelihoods

This project takes a ‘clean energy supply’ approach to contribute new knowledge on how public policy can foster decent work and sustainable livelihoods for workers, particularly women and youth engaged in micro, small and medium enterprises, clean energy generation and associated value chains. It intersects strongly with issues of access to clean energy to foster […]

Lead Partner

Institute for Economic Justice (IEJ)

Ghana, Kenya, South Africa,