Catalytic climate finance: A global learning hub
The Catalytic Climate Finance Facility (CC Facility) accelerates the implementation of high-impact, ready-to-scale financial structures through a suite of services that include grant funding, technical support, and a market-building learning hub.
The CC Facility fills a market gap and reduces market fragmentation to mobilise private capital for climate action in developing economies. It is a partnership between Convergence and Climate Policy Initiative to bring a holistic solution in a fragmented market to accelerate the implementation of high-impact blended finance vehicles catalysing private capital to close the climate financing gap.
The main purpose of the Learning Hub is to generate new evidence and highlight existing evidence on best practices that can contribute to accelerate the implementation of financial vehicles, mobilise private capital, and achieve socioeconomic and environmental impacts. The core focus will be to mainstream and scale climate finance and support sustainable development that fosters a just energy transition, with a cross-cutting gender and local capacity development lens. Knowledge will be collected and shared both within the CC Facility and the wider climate finance ecosystem. A key component of the Learning Hub will be to build long term partnerships with global southern-based research organisations to develop new evidence around implementation and effectiveness of blended finance solutions.
The CC Facility will work in all OECD-DAC Official Development Assistance eligible countries.
A smallholder farmer applying organic mature to her vegetably plants by UNDP Climate via Flickr. CC BY-NC 2.0

AFREC / IDRC Joint webinar on Energy and Gender Data in Africa
Thursday 30 January 2025
The African Energy Commission (AFREC) in partnership with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is hosting a webinar “Energy and Gender Data in Africa” featuring international experts, African policymakers, and relevant stakeholders. REGISTRATION Date: January 30, 2025, Time: From 13:00 p.m. to 15:30 p.m. GMT Registration link: Objectives The objectives of this webinar are: […]
'Solar panel on used for lighting village homes' by World Bank Photo Collection via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

An Overview of Impact Pathways
27 November 2024
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Powering Equity: Celebrating the International Day of Clean Energy
26 January 2025
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